Economic mediation

Use of Mediation in the field of international economic relations.

The rapid spread of mediation in the world has led to a significant increase of a community of people interested in a mediation practice. The mediation provides an opportunity to prevent both political and transnational trade conflicts. The international mediation has long proved to be an effective tool for the resolution of international conflicts. It provides a combination of such factors as an effective assistance of an independent consultant on the project, it disciplines the parties involved in the conflict and ensures actual participation of company management in resolving of the problem. In an increasingly globalized world, this approach is often risky and problematic. The entrepreneur in modern Russia is one of the least protected personalities. First of all the weak law protection, a significant corruption component in relations with administrative, supervisory and regulatory authorities, the serious threats posed by criminal circles, lack of financial possibilities to have a permanent staff in the fields of law, administration, management and marketing and other "narrowly focused experts". All these risks and threats contribute to development of conflicts from stringent situation and conflicts from disputes. The program offered by us may be applied when the parties prefer to keep full confidentiality, and the legal processes is public.

Our program supposes:
- Participation of the parties in working out and taking a decision
- Cooperation and equality of the parties
- Voluntary procedure.
- Ability to save the partnership between the parties
- Ability to select a mediator independently
- Unconditional neutrality (impartiality) of the mediator
- Confidentiality of the entire procedure
- Saving money, time and emotional forces of the disputants
- Ability to withdraw the process
- Flexibility of the process
- No corruption component

The scope of applications relates to:
- Commercial disputes
- Business-to-business and internal disputes
- The disputes associated with the copyright and intellectual property.
- The disputes in the bank and insurance sphere.
- Labour disputes, conflicts and work

In compliance with the law, the procedure of mediation in disputes may be carried out at all stages: on an extrajudicial basis, after filing a claim to the court, in the course of consideration of the claim by the court (upon the decision of the court, the case may be suspended if the parties expressed a desire to carry out the medication procedure under such dispute), as well as at the stage of enforcement. The Mediation Law gives to the disputants an ability to reach an agreement anytime.


Russian-Austrian Center
of Mediation and Law

1190 Wien,
Kaasgrabengasse 52/2/5



Russian-Austrian Center
of Mediation and Law

1190 Wien,
Kaasgrabengasse 52/2/5

ZVR: 180705257
Registration Date: 18.02.2016