About Center

Mediation is one of the forms used to settle the conflict of interest, a process in which a neutral party - the mediator - helps to resolve the conflict by developing a voluntary agreement between the parties. The mediator facilitates communication of opponents, looking for effective ways to solve the problem and enabling the opposing parties to reach an agreement. Mediation enables to save time and to avoid additional and unforeseen financial costs.

The Russian-Austrian Center for Mediation and Law is an interactive platform used to settle the family conflicts, economic disputes of businessmen and entities, regulate the disputes of employers and workers, protect the intellectual property. The Center promotes the exchange of experience between experts in the field of law and mediation from Austria and Russia, as well as CIS countries and is open to cooperation  in finding alternative methods to resolve the conflicts. At the request, the Center conducts research and provides an opinion on the practical application of national and foreign civil, commercial and criminal law; develops proposals on improvement of legislation and law enforcement practice. Having a rich experience of family mediation and due process of judicial registration of its results, we are pleased to offer the services of our trusted experts on the settlement of family disputes with a foreign element and resulting problems of foreigner's stay in Austria or Russia after dissolution of marriage. At the request of the applicants, the lawyers, attracted to work in the Center, will provide you legal assistance in representing your interests in court and other law enforcement agencies in civil and criminal cases in Russia and Austria. We will advise you Austrian lawyers authorized to practice law in the Russian Federation.

Our experts are able the resolve the dispute at any stage. The lawyers cooperating with the Center protect our customers in arbitration courts and tribunals in cases related to foreign investments, industrial property, related intellectual property, innovation, foreign economic relations and entrepreneurship. In addition, the Center experts advise on the Austrian and Russian law, work out the matters of establishing joint ventures.

On a contractual basis the Center provides carrying out expert studies for individuals and legal entities; prepares legal opinions on civil, administrative, financial and criminal cases. Trusted experts of the Center assist in drafting applications for the extension of the exclusivity period to an invention, utility model, industrial design, trademark, service mark, certificate on an exclusive right to the appellation of origin, as well as the restoration of a patent for an invention, utility model, industrial model; make development, implementation, and legal support for the commercialization of intellectual property; advise on the legal protection of trade secrets in the field of intellectual property; provide legal protection against unfair competition.

In addition, the Center provides assistance in collection and registration of various documents for citizens and organizations. Involving the trusted experts, the Center actively helps citizens
• in obtaining duplicate certificates on the civil registration, certificates of no criminal records.
• in reclamation of archival certificates, including length of service, salary;
• in obtaining extracts on state registration of rights to real estate and transactions therewith;
• in obtaining information on the legal entities registered in Russia or Austria;
• in apostilling official Russian or Austrian documents.
• in preparing and applying for permits to stay in Russia and Austria, and extension of the documents.

We are ready to talk our clients through any situation ensuring him/her diligent and sincere assistance.


Russian-Austrian Center
of Mediation and Law

1190 Wien,
Kaasgrabengasse 52/2/5

E-mail: office@zmr-network.org


Russian-Austrian Center
of Mediation and Law

1190 Wien,
Kaasgrabengasse 52/2/5

ZVR: 180705257
Registration Date: 18.02.2016